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Town of Shelby, La Crosse County

Director of Public Works

The Town of Shelby (pop. 4600), La Crosse County is accepting applications from qualified candidates to fill the position of Director of Public Work. A strong candidate will have an understanding of 21st century skills with ability to triage problems; excellent communication skills; the ability to remain positive and flexible; and a demonstrated ability to lead and develop people.
Qualifications: This position requires graduation from a four-year college and 5 years of public works experience or at least 10 years of public works experience with a major thrust in administration in lieu of a degree. Possession of Wisconsin Grade I Water Operator Certification and/or Wisconsin Basic Wastewater Operator Certification with collection system subclass is also desirable. Shelby is an EEOC. Applications available on line at www.townofshelby.com or contacting Carroll Vizecky, Admin. at [email protected] 608-788-1032 x 9.

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