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Town of La Pointe - Ashland County

Town Administrator

La Pointe, WI (Year Round Population-275, Seasonal Population-3,000)
Requires a Bachelor’s degree in public or business administration or related field; prefer Master’s Degree with at least 3 years municipal management experience. Residency is strongly encouraged.  Current town administrator is retiring in early 2021. Current salary $65,000-new administrator salary DOQ. Desire a strong background in budget development/ finance; human resources; capital project management; grant writing/administration and organizational improvement.  The successful candidate will be a team builder and community leader; have open and positive communication skills; have a high level of both personal and professional integrity; acute listening skills and have a collaborative management style.  For more information on La Pointe, visit the community website at www.townoflapointewi.gov or Chamber of Commerce site madelineisland.com.
Send cover letter, resume, salary history and five work-related references to Public Administration Associates, Attn: Kevin Brunner; e-mail [email protected]; phone 262-903-9509, by October 1, 2020.

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