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Town of Necedah, Juneau County

Proposal for Town Assessor

Proposals for Town Assessor

The Town of Necedah, Juneau County, requesting proposals for Town Assessor starting 2023 tax year. The Town’s population for 2021 is 2,471, with total assessed amounts from 2021, for 2022 Market Drive Revaluation still in progress, Real Estate value $203,521,800 for 3,267 parcels, (1,879 improvements) and Personal Property value $4,502,138 for 55 parcels. Proposals will include maintaining the assessment roll and individual property classifications within 10% of equalized value, Open Book and Board of Review and future revaluation. The proposal will include data in electronic form, our data is Market Drive, if conversion needed it is not our cost. Please send your proposal marked Assessor Proposal to Town of Necedah PO Box 349, Necedah, WI 54646, email:[email protected], with State certification, proof insurance, references and resume, by August 16, 2022. Town Board reserves right to reject any and all proposals.

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