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Town of Crandon

2016 Western Star 4700 Plow Truck

Truck is a 2016 bought new in 2017. Truck has 40,000 miles. Cummins 350 I S L motor. Allison 3000 R D S trans. has live botttem feed. Power reverse under body blade. 12 foot hyd. turn universal plow. 8 foot universal wing. New tires, trailer package, stainless storage boxes. Truck is excellent condition inside and out. We have purchased a new truck which will be delivered in a short time, at which time we will let the other truck go. You can call or text for more information and to see the truck which is at Co. S and Hwy 8 in the Town of Crandon, 2 miles west of the City of Crandon. The numbers you may call are 715-889-0752 for Nick or 715-889-0751 for Ron. We will be bidding this truck out. 


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